Making the choice to leave your beloved home and enter into a retirement community of assisted living is one of the more difficult transitions you or your loved ones may have to make later in life. We all want to know that we or our family members will be loved and cared for, and in a place that demonstrates integrity and compassion with seniors. We also want to make sure that our/their new home isn’t so far from the former home and there is still a familiarity in the part of town. Here is our list of top-rated Senior Living options in Northern Kentucky.
Ivy Knoll Senior Community
Located on Highland Avenue in Covington, Kentucky, Ivy Knoll was voted the best in assisted home living for Northern Kentucky in 2017 and 2019 and boasts a five star rating. With a record like that, their standards are not likely to drop anytime soon. With a set rate, all-inclusive pricing, Ivy Knoll is also considered to be an affordable option for those who need to place loved ones. Ivy Knoll offers both independent living apartments as well as rooms for personal care. In addition to having medicals support on hand, Ivy Knoll also offers activities meant to help seniors stay engaged both physically and mentally.
Atria Senior Living
Located in Crestview Hills, Atria Senior Living comes in being rated at 4.7 stars. In addition to offering floor plans for both independent living apartments and rooms for personal care, they also offer a special program for memory care, meant to engage those living with Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Magnolia Springs Florence
Magnolia Springs in Florence is located at the very central area near the Florence Mall. Taking assisted living to an entire new level, the amenities at this facility offer a fully equipped exercise club and health classes, as well as a spa and full-service hair salon. Also offered is a spiritual center, library, 50’s diner, a theatre room with nightly films, and a bistro café that offers snacks outside of mealtimes. With five stars, this is definitely a spot to help keep your aging loved ones active and social.
Barrington of Fort Thomas
Located on Highland Avenue in Fort Thomas, Kentucky, this Carespring facility offers another rating of 4.7 stars. Offering a larger plethora of options for senior living, the Barrington extends into skilled nursing, a nursing home, assisted living, independent living apartments, and rehabilitation. The Barrington also offers many organized outings for seniors living in their independent living apartments to help everyone keep up and active social life!
St. Charles Community
Located off of Farrell Drive in Covington, St. Charles Community boasts a rating of 4.6 stars. In addition to services that include personal care, independent living, and rehabilitation, St. Charles also offers adult day care services to aid those who may still want to live in the homes of loved ones. While offering regular outings and excursions, they also offer daily exercise and yoga classes to keep everyone is their best physical shape and a daily mass (as they are affiliated with the Archdiocese of Covington).