11 Expert Hacks for Effortless Clothes Packing

11 Expert Hacks for Effortless Clothes Packing

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Moving with Keep On Moving Company involves strategic planning to ensure a seamless transition to your new home. When it comes to packing clothes, it’s essential to optimize space, minimize wrinkles, and protect your wardrobe. Here are 11 packing hacks tailored to make your clothing moving experience with Keep On Moving Company as smooth as possible.

  1. Streamline Your Wardrobe: Part of our moving strategy is to declutter before the move. Take the time to purge clothes you no longer need or wear. If it hasn’t seen the light of day in a year, it’s likely not worth packing. Consider hosting a garage sale or using our decluttering checklist for effective purging.

  2. Laundry Day Before Moving Day: Before packing, ensure your clothes are clean. Dirty clothes can worsen stains and odors during transit. A pre-move laundry day will save you from the hassle of washing clothes after unpacking at your new home.

  3. Seasonal Sorting: Organize your clothes by season. If you’re moving during a specific season, pack clothes accordingly. For example, box up winter items during summer moves. This not only saves space but also ensures you have immediate access to the clothes you need upon arrival.

  4. Maximize Space with Compression Bags: Bulky winter items taking up too much space? Utilize vacuum-sealed compression bags. These bags not only save space but also protect your clothes from dust and mildew during the move.

  5. Master the Army Roll: For a space-efficient and wrinkle-free packing method, use the army roll technique. This method maximizes space while minimizing wrinkles. Check out our recommended video tutorial for a visual guide.

  6. Wardrobe Boxes for Delicate Items: When you need to protect delicate or valuable clothing items, our wardrobe boxes come in handy. Simply transfer hanging clothes directly into these boxes for a quick and efficient packing solution.

  7. Cost-Effective Packing: While wardrobe boxes are effective, use them sparingly due to their size and cost. Optimize space by utilizing suitcases, dressers, and other containers you already have. 

  8. Pack Boxes Strategically: To ensure box stability, pack heavier items like jeans, sweaters, and jackets at the bottom. Opt for small to medium-sized boxes to prevent excessive weight and maintain box integrity during the move.

  9. Choose the Right Container for Each Item: Different items require different containers. Use standard moving boxes for non-hanging clothes, wardrobe boxes for delicate items, vacuum-sealed bags for compression, and suitcases for non-hanging clothes.

  10. Preserve Shoes Properly: Protect your shoes from creasing and damage by avoiding direct packing with clothes. Use shoe boxes, shoe bags, or repurposed wine boxes with dividers. Fill the shoes with tissue paper to maintain their shape and cleanliness.

  11. Keep Valuables Close: For valuable items like jewelry, pack them separately in small pouches and keep them with you during the move. Ensure you have a moving-day suitcase with essential items for the first few days at your new home.

With Keep On Moving Company, your clothing packing process becomes an organized and efficient part of your overall moving strategy. Follow these hacks to make your move stress-free and your wardrobe ready to go in your new home.

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