Simplify Your Move: Keep On Moving Company’s Guide to Streamlining with Minimalism

Simplify Your Move: Keep On Moving Company's Guide to Streamlining with Minimalism

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Annually, more than 1.5 million individuals embark on the journey of moving to a new county. When factoring in those relocating to different states, this number grows significantly. Whether you are a moving novice or an experienced mover, the process can induce anxiety. If you’re facing an upcoming move and feeling overwhelmed, this article is for you. Discover how embracing the minimalist mentality can alleviate stress and streamline your moving day with insights from Keep On Moving Company.

Understanding Minimalism: As the term implies, minimalism involves living with only essential possessions, avoiding unnecessary items. This concept gained popularity in the late 2010s, notably with the debut of “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix. With many Americans possessing more belongings than necessary, adopting minimalism not only simplifies life but also reduces stress associated with clutter and excess.

Steps to Embrace Minimalism:

1. Own Fewer Possessions: The cornerstone of minimalism is reducing the number of possessions. Evaluate each room in your current residence critically. Identify items that are genuinely necessary and separate them from those that contribute to clutter. Create a “to-go” pile for items you can donate or sell, providing them a new purpose and potentially easing the financial burden of your move.

2. Change Your Mindset: Shift your mindset from impulsive buying to intentional and purposeful purchases. Exercise self-discipline during shopping trips, avoiding unnecessary acquisitions. Distinguish between wants and needs, ensuring every purchase serves a practical purpose in your life.

What Minimalism Isn’t: Contrary to common misconceptions, minimalism doesn’t mandate a sterile or unadorned living space. Minimalists can still express their personalities through thoughtful decorations, provided they avoid unnecessary clutter. Sentimental items are not off-limits; the emphasis is on purpose and meaning rather than sheer quantity.

Applying Minimalism to Your Moving Day:

Initiate the minimalist lifestyle by decluttering each room well in advance of your moving day. However, decluttering isn’t a one-time task; reassess your possessions periodically. As you approach your move, follow these steps to integrate minimalism into the process:

1. Declutter Again: Perform a final decluttering session before your move. Assess items based on their necessity in your new home. Items that were essential in your current residence may not serve the same purpose in the new environment. Sort possessions into categories for trash, recycling, and donation/sale to ensure an eco-friendly approach.

2. Let Go of Unused Items: Adopt the minimalist 90/90 rule—dispose of items not used in the last 90 days and not anticipated for use in the next 90 days. Alternatively, apply the rule to a yearly timeframe. Be decisive about retaining only items with ongoing utility and value to prevent moving unnecessary belongings.

3. Set a Goal: Establish achievable decluttering goals based on the capacity of your new home. Challenge yourself to reduce possessions to a predetermined percentage of your current belongings. Transform the decluttering process into a motivating game, making it more enjoyable and less stressful.

4. Put Some Items in Storage: For sentimental items or possessions with unclear utility in the new space, consider temporary storage solutions. Utilize storage units or ask a trusted friend or family member if they can accommodate these items temporarily. This strategy allows you to assess your attachment to these belongings over time.

Embracing minimalism during your move offers numerous benefits, providing clarity and reducing stress. Apply these principles not only to your move but also to your everyday life for sustained well-being. The Keep On Moving Company team is here to support you in achieving a streamlined and stress-free move.

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