5 Tips For Preparing Your Move into a Retirement Community

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Moving into a retirement community is one of life’s greatest adjustments for someone who has lived independently their entire life. It takes much discussion and acceptance to know when the time is right to make the change and move forward with it. Here are some tips to make the move and adjustment easier.

Find the Perfect Community

Making sure that you’ve explored all senior living options and have found one that meets both your immediate and long-term needs will simplify the process. Although it isn’t entirely uncommon to leave one living arrangement when you find yourself either unhappy with it or you’ve found something more desirable, the fewer moves you have to make, the simpler it will be to adjust to your new dwellings. Make sure the community you choose includes any amenities that are important to you (gyms, outings, spiritual or religious services, etc.). 

Organize Important Documents

As grim as it may feel, moving into a retirement community presents the perfect time and opportunity to make sure you have all important documents updated and that loved ones know where to find any imperative information that may be needed should you not be able to make important decisions for yourself. This is an excellent time to make sure that you have updated your will and power of attorney. Having any end of life or after-life wishes be known to anyone who will be making decisions on your behalf is important so that no one is left blind-sighted in the event of having to review or consult said documents. Make sure that any important records- birth certificates, marriage certificates, insurance information, military paperwork, and financial documents are able to be easily located and obtained.


Moving into a retirement community is a fresh start for a new phase of your life! It’s a great time to go through all of your personal items and possessions to decide what will go with you, what can be thrown out, and what can be donated. This also offers a wonderful opportunity to pass along anything of sentiment to whomever you intend to be a recipient of your belongings. After all, passing along a necklace that is a family heirloom will delight your granddaughter and you’ll want to witness her reception of such a gift.

Updating Contacts

Make it known to anyone of importance of your relocation. Your doctor’s office, insurance agent, lawyer, the VA, business associates, and anyone on your Christmas card list will want to know that you’re no longer in your previous home.

Opening Your Mind and Heart

While it can feel like you’re nearing milestones that always felt far off in the distance, you’re also entering a peaceful and relaxing time in life. This is finally the opportunity to sit back and know that you’ve earned the right to do nothing at all or to do everything you’ve been waiting to do. This is still a time to explore, learn, grow, and laugh. This move offers the opportunity to simplify your life, to make new friends, and to enjoy your golden years.

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